Ability Score Magical Defense Adjustment Bonus Spells Chance of Spell Failure Spell Immunity
1 -6 -- 80% --
2 -4 -- 60% --
3 -3 -- 50% --
4 -2 -- 45% --
5 -1 -- 40% --
6 -1 -- 35% --
7 -1 -- 30% --
8 0 -- 25% --
9 0 0 20% --
10 0 0 15% --
11 0 0 10% --
12 0 0 5% --
13 0 1st 0% --
14 0 1st 0% --
15 +1 2nd 0% --
16 +2 2nd 0% --
17 +3 3rd 0% --
18 +4 4th 0% --
19 +4 1st, 3rd 0% cause fear, charm person, command, friends, hypnotism
20 +4 2nd, 4th 0% forget, hold person, ray of enfeeblement, scare
21 +4 3rd, 5th 0% fear
22 +4 4th, 5th 0% charm monster, confusion, emotion, fumble, suggestion
23 +4 1st, 6th 0% chaos, feeblemind, hold monster, magic jar, quest
24 +4 5th, 6th 0% geas, mass suggestion, rod of rulership
25 +4 6th, 7th 0% antipathy/sympathy, death spell, mass charm